Are you exhausted from being in survival mode 24/7?

Do you wish you didn’t have such a short fuse?

Do you need to be more in control emotionally so you can model this to your kids? 

It doesn't have to be this way.

I can teach you simple, foolproof strategies that will help you experience less stress in no time.

In under an hour, learn about all the practical insights you need for less stress.

It's time to relax

I believe there is nothing more stressful than the worry and day-to-day challenges you face when your kids have special needs.

Which is why, to be the best parent you can for your kids, it's so helpful to look after your own mental wellbeing - and learn how to relax. Because when parents are less stressed the whole family benefits. 

But I also know you're already too busy, so I've created this course to be as practical and bite-sized as possible so that you can learn how to be less stressed in no time.

What you'll learn

This course gives an overview of what research tells us helps manage stress.

You will learn some simple, practical strategies and relaxation exercises.

Most importantly, you will create a plan for less stress that fits in with your life and benefits your whole family.

Here's an example simple deep breathing exercise for you to try.

Hi, I'm Susie

There were some very tough times in our home before I understood my son’s needs.

Having come out the other side of it AND having taught people how to manage stress for almost 10 years, I can walk you through what you need to do so that you and your family can have a life with less stress and more joy.

I'm a registered nurse, have a Masters of Public health and yoga and mindfulness qualifications which combine perfectly to help walk you through the simple steps you can take so you can have a calm and peaceful home. 

What Kate says:

"This has been so helpful, the realisation that I felt trapped by all my responsibilities, and that it may not be as hard as I thought to shift some fundamental things feels good.

Susie you are so good at what you do. It's really inspired me so much... really bloody helpful!

Thank you so much!"

Under one hour of learning and relaxing can lead to more harmony in your family.

What have you got to lose?